Pilot Job Seeker Profiles

Knowledge base of solutions to common questions from our pilot, flight attendant and mechanics about profile setup.

How are profiles found by employers?
When an employer comes to FindAPilot looking for an aviation professional they are easily able to search our directory here: https://www.findapilot.com/pilo...
Sat, 19 Jul, 2014 at 12:38 PM
How are Pilot Profiles sorted in searches on the Pilot Directory?
Featured Pilots: The Pilot search will show up to 5 Featured members in rotation (Pro or Private) before the regular search results. Regular search r...
Wed, 11 Jun, 2014 at 1:49 PM
How will employers find my profile?
 Employers have several options to search for pilots. Some options include: · Flight Time · Geographic radius (Airport ID, City, State, ZIP) · Air...
Sat, 24 May, 2014 at 8:03 PM
What does a free pilot account include?
Free pilot accounts are designed for new users to try out our system without a subscription. Free pilot members can complete and update their profile, creat...
Mon, 29 Oct, 2018 at 8:52 AM